April 23, 2009

Praline had her lamb!!!!

I honestly thought she was going to explode!
Her belly was so big.
Udder to bursting point.
And teats that looked like small missiles!

On top of that, she is a rather small ewe ... and of course this was one time when I was actually hoping for a ram lamb.
Well, to say the very least, I was a bit anxious.

But Praline is a real star!
She went into labor late Wednesday afternoon.
And a few hours later delivered a beautiful little brown ram lamb!

Proudly introducing Mac (that's short for Macaron!) :

Macaron : né 22 avril à 20 h
Here he is! Still wet but he's got his eye on his first meal!

And after a bit of refreshment . . .

Still damp, but now he's up with a full tummy!

The next morning, 12 hours later, Mac is out with Praline . . .

Mac, who knows where the milk bar is found!

Both Praline and Mac are doing fine. And I'm one happy camper too!

1 comment:

shizzknits said...

O my gosh, your sheep are adorable!!!!! I got to your blog from Ravelry, btw. :)

Thank you for visiting the Spinning Shepherd!